Don't try to dig

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Revenge of the Smart House.

Who was to know that my house was aware that ‘revenge is a dish best served cold.’ My regular reader(s) may recall that about 18 months ago we moved into a smart house, trained to anticipate our every desire and programmed to open doors, switch on lights and even, if required, phone the fire brigade. Things went swimmingly till one day it locked me out and had the audacity to smirk at my discomfort. My response was to decree a lobotomy for the smart house (see, you don’t wanna mess with me!) and things have been quiet ever since.

Little did I know that it was just lulling me into a false sense of security. The one smart system left in place was the water thermostat. Turn on the shower and water comes out at 41 degrees, not too hot, not to cold, just nice. Until yesterday. Now we have water coming out at a blistering 55 degrees or a chilling 15 degrees. I am not amused. The gas man has been to visit and shrugged his shoulders. He’s sending the electrician in the fullness of time. This has brought to mind the old Flanders and Swan song, “The Gas Man Cometh.”

I’m a great fan of comic songs and monologues. So, does your chewing gum lose its flavour on the bedpost overnight? What’s your favourite comic song?


  • At October 23, 2006 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The Laughing Policeman

  • At November 25, 2006 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Albert and the Lion is an absolute classic and anything by Ogden Nash always makes me smile!

  • At November 26, 2006 2:14 PM, Blogger Kay said…

    Yeah, I love Ogden Nash. When I lived in a flat I particularly liked "The People Upstairs" which began
    The people upstairs all practise ballet, their living room is a bowling alley
    and finished,
    I might love with people upstairs wonderous if instead of above us they just lived under us.

  • At December 13, 2006 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I remember being taught Albert and the Lion by Kay at about 12/13? I can still remember most of it I think. My own "party piece" was The Walrus and the Carpenter" since about eight. When much younger - two my parents say- Flanders & Swan - the Hippopotomus song. Swan was a fellow quaker and died not that long ago in a hospice run by a Friend (quaker)lady I know.


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